Flying over mountains (Himalayas). They are a lot closer to the plane than usual!
It was green flying into Amritsar.
We could see the Golden Temple of Amritsar. What a bonus!
And what looked to be a junkyard. Or just storage?
Arriving in Delhi.
Abandoned aircraft.
One place where you do not want to be stuck is the miserable area in Delhi where you wait for your next boarding pass to be issued. Tashkent could only issue our boarding pass to Delhi. We had to wait in this Transfer Area for someone to come and issue our onward boarding passes to Singapore. As time went by, I realised I would have to keep asking or it seemed we would be forgotten. One lady was looking for some passengers, so I asked if she were looking for us. No, she replied, I am looking for people who are stranded! Hardly reassuring. There was a tiny kiosk, and we could not leave to go to other sections of the airport. Another poor lady, with two hungry children, had flown from Canada, missed her flight to Afghanistan, and was trapped in the lounge. She would be there till the next day. About one and a half hours later, the Singapore Airlines person arrived, issued our passes and took us to the airport. Living in the first world is a privilege.
And one last pic. Ah, the English language.