We spent last weekend in Perth. It was a family get-together for Kian Wei's birthday.
It is over 10 years since we went to Perth, together with Yvonne. There are many new and modern buildings. It is a clean and neat city, with surprisingly little crowding. People we spoke too (ie taxi drivers!) appreciated this aspect of Perth, some having moved from eastern cities finding them too "rush rush". I was impressed with the city.
By air, Sydney is only marginally closer to Perth than is Singapore. The non-stop flight to London must also help reduce the isolation.
Anyhow, some pictures.
Family pics, usually taken in restaurants!
Of course, we couldn't resist a visit to the Swan Bells.
There is also a carillon, which can play, among other things, "The Road to Gundagai".
The ringing chamber
Another view. Note the spider.
Close-up of the spider. It is an old bell-wheel. For non ringers, a spider is a contraption on to which bell-ropes are placed after ringing. It can then be raised so that the ropes are safely out of the way. An untended rope attached to a ringing bell is a sight to behold and potentially dangerous. In an activity that is hundreds of years old, it is one item in the ringing chamber that allows for some creativity!
On our wanders, we went to see St Mary's Cathedral which was built over many years. No bells.
In the modern part, the sanctuary has been moved to the centre of the cathedral, and is wheelchair friendly!
The stations of the cross were also modern. This is the first seven.
We also went to Freemantle to have their famous seafood. On our walks, we saw a concert area that had been barricaded off and covered with black sheeting. If I had been in China, I would have posted this under Chinglish. But maybe it is WAglish? Certainly the offenders would all be under 30 - or drunk.
Coronavirus was also not far away. This was at the Mint - they explained they were a government department so had to obey government rules.
And on the flight home. Some unusual features in the landscape and a tiny fire in the distance.
We could only read about Sydney's drenching while we were in sunny Perth. When we got back tonight, many of the fires were out. We should go away more often.
Thanks to KM for adding "Bells with no church"!