
Friday, 19 August 2022

Pulling the plug

Kin Mun's cold was lingering - not getting worse but not improving either.  We decided to cut our losses while I was still well and able to drive.  So we will be home early.  The Brisbane folks were understanding - they had had their share of colds and flu, of the non-COVID variety.

BTW, all KM's RATs are negative - and there has been enough time for the viral load to build up.

But we have seen new things.  Today we went to Southport so we could drive up the Gold Coast.  What a change.  And a light rail to boot.  You do wonder how lockdowns affected the tourist industry.  It must have been a blow.  But in today's sunny weather, it all looked glorious.

 Tonight we are in Kempsey.  Our motel is on the banks of the Macleay River.  It looks so serene and peaceful - with reflections worthy of a NZ lake.  But I bet it wasn't like this in the recent floods.....

Thursday, 18 August 2022

Hinze Dam

Our visit to Hinze Dam was accidental.  We were looking for Binna Burra until we realised how far away it was.  We drove past a Hinze Dam signpost and decided to have a look.  Those of us of a certain age recall the dreadful Russ Hinze who together with Joh, presided over a government that turned a  blind eye to police corruption.

I was pleased to find no description of this man.  Later, on the internet I found that it was named in honour of his grandparents, and their grandson was noted to be corrupt.  The dam was opened by Joh - say no more.

But the dam is impressive.  Much was made of the new spillway, stepped designed, so fish could continue to go over it, without plunging to their deaths.  I think manual intervention can be involved, if needed.  Fish fatalities were monitored.  Such environmentalism was not a feature of Joh's government.  

Stepped spillway.

Doesn't always work, from the fish's point of view.

More views of the dam - lovely weather.

And a school outing....


Our plan was to go north for Stephen's 40th birthday party.  But en route, Kin Mun's cold didn't disappear.  This required decisions at every stop, but here we are at Mudgeeraba for 2 nights.  Next stop is a hotel in  Brisbane, but we have cancelled appointments etc for the next couple of days.  Plan C is for me to go to Stephen's party on my own if need be - so long as I remain well.

Life in a pandemic requires flexibility!

So today we unexpectedly saw the Hinze Dam, found myself with time to visit the biggest fabric shop I have seen (apart from New York) and came back to our accommodation to find a funeral in full swing.  Pat told me about Japanache in an email, so will see that tomorrow morning. 

We were so puzzled at the spelling and pronunciation of Mudgeeraba that I had to make a special effort to learn to spell it, and ask a local how to pronounce it.  Well, a local who had been here 3 years, presumably from the UK.  Her advice - Mudge-re-bar - all said really quickly!  In my youth, my parents said Mudge- er-ree-bar.  Spelling? Think Mudgee with raba on the end.