Kin Mun's cold was lingering - not getting worse but not improving either. We decided to cut our losses while I was still well and able to drive. So we will be home early. The Brisbane folks were understanding - they had had their share of colds and flu, of the non-COVID variety.
BTW, all KM's RATs are negative - and there has been enough time for the viral load to build up.
But we have seen new things. Today we went to Southport so we could drive up the Gold Coast. What a change. And a light rail to boot. You do wonder how lockdowns affected the tourist industry. It must have been a blow. But in today's sunny weather, it all looked glorious.
Tonight we are in Kempsey. Our motel is on the banks of the Macleay River. It looks so serene and peaceful - with reflections worthy of a NZ lake. But I bet it wasn't like this in the recent floods.....