
Wednesday 22 June 2016

Tuesday in London - and there is an election over here too.

We are gradually getting over the jetlag. Went to St James Garlickhythe but found it closed (maybe the jetlag is affecting my reading of the website).  So took pics of St James and his staff outside. It's claim to fame is the Jubilee Bells.  These bells were specially cast for the Queen's jubilee, were used in the Thames River pageant and eventually installed in the church.  Garlickhythe is a reference to the wharf where garlic was sold, and apparently you can get your pilgrim credential stamped here on your way to Santiago.  Not today though.

Walked around the City of London, including Guildhall.

Had dinner with Anne and Dan tonight at a Vietnamese restaurant in SoHo, although the pics below are where we went for coffee.  Good to catch up with them both, and benefited from Anne's local knowledge of choice of restaurants. We haven't got much beyond the very good Pret a Manger.

Before coming to London, we were aware of Brexit and expected lots of election stuff around the place.  But there hasn't been much to see. Saw this discreetly placed behind the window of a house near Russell Square. (Couldn't avoid the reflection)

And saw this at Soho.

Tugs at the British heartstrings no doubt.  Well, our pollies hark back to Menzies and Curtin from time to time.  But that is the sum total of electioneering that we have seen.

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