
Saturday 15 June 2024

First day in Japan

Day flight to Tokyo yesterday, 14th  June.  A good flight, this time on the Boeing 787 Dreamliner.  A long day, but it all worked out.

Today I went to Yuzawaya - a sewing/craft/gadgets etc shop - think Spotlight and Hobbysew merged together and on steroids.  It was lot of fun.  Google Translate was much used, as there wasn't much in English.  There were racks of needles, all described in Japanese.  I looked at one packet -  Google Translate told me that it for fine material.  Too many others to check each one!

Today's haul (not all for me)....... 

The fabrics are cheaper than we get in Australia - about $8.00 a metre here for something that is over $20 a metre - but it would take a lot of material to pay for the air-fare!

Yuzawaya is in Kamata, a suburb of Tokyo, and it was surprisingly quiet.  I have learned to recognise the characters for the name of the store - but helpfully they are written in red!  

That is just Building 5.  There is also 6 and 7, further down the road.  My feet were sore - the classic "tired but happy".

I had lunch at a random noodle place, wasn't sure what was coming, it turned out that I had ordered soup, pork and noodles plus a plate of gyoza.  I wasn't hungry afterwards.  

But I needed coffee and ice-cream.  After more shopping at Yuzawaya, I remembered there was a Maccas down the road.  They were also selling a Mac-samurai, but stuck to my coffee. 

. So end of day 1.  The tour starts tomorrow afternoon.


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