
Thursday 20 June 2024


 Another Shinkansen from Kyoto to Nagoya - only half an hour.

How is this for frequency!  A train every 9 minutes to Nagoya and on to Tokyo.

Getting ready 

And Kumie keeping an eye on us.

I spent today by myself. My approach to travel these days is that an itinerary is a menu. I figure out what I really want to see, and what I am prepared to skip, and then I can see how my stamina goes.  I am not prepared to become over-tired.

I couldn't check in until 3pm, so spent the next hours having morning tea, lunch, buying a blouse, and the best of all - the bookshop had a craft section and prices are so much better than in Aus.  I couldn't believe it. Google Translate has almost flattened my phone, but now I have 5 new books.  And I didn't even leave the station complex!

One of my pauses was to have a "mixed fruit parfait".  One thing about Japan, desserts can be quite healthy! This was fresh mixed fruit with something crunchy in the middle topped by a beautifully applied soft serve ice-cream with red dusting.

The hotel is in the station complex itself.  It is smaller than other rooms on this trip, but looks newly built.  This is the first time I have seen provision for hard-shell suitcases.

And the room and the view

And lastly - how you cope with police labour shortage! This fellow (not the human) patrols the foyer outside the lifts on floor 15.

 I wasn't sure if the electronic voice was telling me "no photos".  But I got this anyway.

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