
Tuesday 9 February 2016

Lunar New Year Day 1

Today is the first day of LNY.  It is like Christmas dinner - all the rellies getting together - but as afternoon tea instead.  It used to be that the younger visited the older, and I used to wonder how anyone ever managed to meet up when all were out on the road.  The only ones who really scored would be the oldest!

But in these modern times, people allocate one place to meet up.  Which happened this afternoon.  It was good to catch up with everyone on KM's mother's side (father's side tomorrow).  We are all a year older, and good to hear the stories of the younger ones - where once it was about what year in school, now it is hearing about travel, study and national service.

Tonight we had "steamboat" back at BL - again organised by BL and prepared by WZ and S.