
Thursday 10 March 2016

Tangkoko National Park

This afternoon we went for a walk in the Tangkoko Nature Reserve. It was humid as usual but being in primary jungle with no undergrowth, it was shady. It was easy to walk through as well. Easier than bush-bashing!

We saw tarsiers (very small) which are the smallest monkeys on the planet. We saw a cuscus (a monkey? A mammal anyway – not much chance to google these things). And then the macaques. There are 4 troops of them in the reserve. Apparently they are critically endangered, but certainly not in this reserve! There were so many of them.

A wonderful experience to walk through the jungle/rain-forest.

Above is a pic of a macaque.

Below is the tarsier.  It has big eyes, so we were specifically warned against flash photography.  It is smaller than it looks in the pic - about 3 inches not counting the tail.

Macaques crossing the road.  One inspected a lady's bright pink joggers but decided they were not edible.

Another macaque.

 And a cuscus.  Obviously a male one.

  Walking in the rain-forest.  Very shady and easy to walk through.

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