
Saturday 2 July 2016

Richard III - my kingdom for a horse

Tourism in Leicester  has been given a huge boost by the discovery of the bones of Richard III  under a carpark near the Leicester Cathedral in 2012.  After DNA confirmation, he was re-interred in the Cathedral in 2015.  Quite a story.

Just like they do to identify an unknown skull on CSI, this is the facial re-creation of Richard III from the skull discovered in the carpark.  Presumably they took an educated guess at the clothing.
This is his new tomb in  Leicester Cathedral

A bit of an improvement on this:
 Apparently selfies are not suitably solemn.
And a new statue of the man himself.
And even the pubs were getting in on the act.   Richard (a Plantagenet) lost the Battle of Bosworth to Henry VII, the first of the Tudors and the father of Henry VIII.  Anne Boleyn might have wished the outcome was different.

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