
Tuesday 28 February 2017

You know you are in Iran when

You know you are in Iran when
Strangers in the street say "Welcome to Iran"
Men's toilets have no urinals but cubicles just like women's
You are not allowed to photograph government buildings
Everything is first discovered or invented here
Four traffic lanes can take six lanes of cars
The choices in the restaurant menu are either lamb or lamb.
You are treated better than the Americans and British in your visa application
Women have the front seats in public buses.
Cars are allowed to go through red lights 
The chinese restaurant is called The Chinese Restaurant
The Shiites are good guys and the Sunnis are bad guys
Muslims are allowed to have shrines
Door knockers are not gender neutral. 

You have been in Iran too long when
You know the difference between the Achemenids and the Safavids and the Qajars.
You can cross the road without being shielded by the locals
Your headscarf doesn't fall off and showing hair is sexy
You like having barley soup for lunch, breakfast and dinner.
You get drunk on the local beer (zero alcohol)

Gender specific door knockers, so you can tell who is at the door.  Can you tell which is which?

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