
Saturday 24 November 2018

15. Food for the soul and the body

Today, with Anne's access to and skill using Google Maps, we caught a tram to the Belvedere.

A Vienna tram
with in-journey entertainment supplied.
The Belvedere is the home of many Gustav Klimt works, the most famous of which is The Kiss.  No doubt you have seen many photos of it, but this is mine.
And another GK - Adam and Eve
And this one was here too- not a Klimt!
After a day at the Gallery, Anne found the way to Cafe Sperl for Austrian cakes.  Below are Cheesecake, Sacher Torte and Sperl wafer.  All delicious.  I was thinking of relenting and buying the cookbook, until I read that each cafe jealously guards its recipes.
A later dinner was traditional Austrian fare again.  Wiener Schnitzel, served after we heard the pounding in the kitchen,
and tafelspitz for me.  This was described as boiled beef, and it was suspiciously like corned beef, although less red.  There was grated carrot and something else, creamed spinach, potatoes and apple sauce with some horseradish flavour to it. Easy eating!
And Christmas markets are just beginning.  Saw this tonight outside the Rathaus, and you can see a familiar reflection in  the tram window!

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