
Friday 19 June 2015

Kylemore Abbey

Today the main feature was Kylemore Abbey. It was originally a private castle built 1860s, and the last owners are the Benedictine sisters who purchased it in 1920.  It is in a beautiful setting, with the abbey and a small gothic church nearby.  There is also a walled Victorian garden.  BL went to the garden.  I ventured to the church.

There were also walks and hikes you could do.

As always on a tour, I could have spent much more time here.  It was also our lunch stop.

I fell asleep in the bus and woke to find we were at a photo stop.  This photo doesn't do justice to the spectacular scenery, but couldn't resist the contrails in the air.  There were more than appear in the photo. I thought I had missed the name of the lake, but the guide didn't know either - there are so many!  The bare hills reminded me of Faroe Islands.

Photos still slow, so that is about all for today.  And sorted out the downloading hassle - just read them from the camera.

Tonight we go to an Irish dancing show.